Tuesday, November 07, 2006

And you thought "Grandmom" was bad!

This morning Grandmom Jordan called me and Joey asked me who was on the phone. I told him and explained to him who it was - of course, relating her to "Great-grandpop Chief". He said "Oh, that's who you were talking too?" And I told him I talked to her not him, so he asked if he was at work. So then I went onto explain that Grandpop doesn't go to work (not really) because he is older and has Parkinson's, and tried to explain what that means. He responded with "oh, is that what disease Mr. Ren has?" Ren is a guy in our church that has down syndrome. So then I told him no, tried to explain what down syndrome is, and said, that actually my grandmom, who I was talking to, actually had a sister who did have down syndrome like Mr. Ren and that she was my Great-Aunt Elizabeth. I explained a little more and then Joey looked at me and said "Oh, I thought you meant Aunt Sharon."

The moral of the story (for Sharon): Don't complain when my kids call you "Grandmom" or call mom "Aunt Sharon" - it could be worse!


Sharon said...

I am deeply offended at what you're teaching your kids these days. . . :o)

FranknSteph said...

Oh, Sharon Joy! You're just so fun to tease!

Esther said...

Sarah, great post! My mind drifted way back to the year of our lord nineteen hundred and ninty-five when we were freshmen at NBBC and you told stories all the time - your kids are blessed!! I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog!