Friday, January 19, 2007

Lunchtime Ruminations

Lunch is going well. Luke and Audrey are quietly eating while I move some laundry through. "Mom." Luke says. "Do you remember that time that me and Gracie found poop and we didn't know what animal did it?" Now after "poop" he had my attention fully. "Did you touch it?" I ask. Now why that matters now after 2 months have passed, I'm not sure. What possible good could it do to find out that they had - except to completely turn my stomach. Thankfully he (of course) replied "no." He remembers it well for it being that long ago because he then began to describe the size and appearance said poop and then speculate which animal it could be. We came to the conclusion it was a deer, and he now plans to inform Gracie of the discovery next time we are all in the mountains together. Hopefully that will be sometime soon before that becomes a weird conversation!

On another note . . . Luke got a camera for his birthday and here is some of his choice photography:

Luke's "self portrait." The flash is a little "bright" wouldn't you say?

1 comment:

Joe & Sarah McDaniel said...

I'm surprised Gracie didn't pick it up!!