Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas in Florida

I will be spending Christmas in Florida this year, and it will be my first Christmas away from home ever! I'm pretty excited to meet Derek's family, but the night before I go I might think otherwise because my nerves will take over. I leave friday, the 22nd, in the morning and I return the 28th.

Sarah, I hope you have a Merry Christmas in Indiana, and the kid's presents are on the way. . . Steph, I wish you a Merry Christmas as well, and try and keep Stephen sane, since he's the only one left at Mom and Dad's on Christmas. I'll miss you all!


Joe & Sarah McDaniel said...

Have fun, and don't be too nervous - I was terrified to meet Joe's parents, but it all went fine. I'm sure you will be fine. I'll be praying for your nerves :o)

FranknSteph said...

Praying for you, too! We'll miss you on Christmas, but look forward to hearing all about it when you get back! I lost five pounds the week I met and visited Frank's parents - I was too nervous to eat much! If you need to unload when you get back to the hotel at night - feel free to give me a jingle!

FranknSteph said...

Oh . . . and I guess we'll pray for Derek, too! ;)

Joe & Sarah McDaniel said...

Okay, still waiting to hear how things went . . .